A Healthy Way To Stay Happy Always

Dear readers,

As I mentioned earlier, Staying happy is the key to a healthy life. Staying happy is a day to day activity. You should be grateful for what you have in your life TODAY instead of complaining for what you have missed or what you have not achieved till now.

So how to practice to be happy on a daily basis? It’s simple but consistency is important. You need to have a good lifestyle….yes!!! A good lifestyle is not something hard to achieve or to maintain. You just have to observe your routine and make some little positive changes.

How many of you really enjoy what you are doing presently? Your passion turned in your profession is always something great to enjoy and grow, but very few people get this privilege, and many have to run the show to survive in the rat race.

Let’s see what you have to do to be happy. Some simple steps and tips for you-

  • Get up early. An hour before your regular time.
  • Sit quietly for 5 minutes and concentrate on your breathing. Slower the breathing more the concentration.
  • Now getup from bed, freshen up and do some exercise. It can be anything, a simple walk to yoga to aerobics. Anything of your choice as your age and body permits.Do it from a minimum of 20 minutes to 30 minutes maximum. It detoxifies your body.

Even Ayurveda describes importance of exercise.

It means lighter body, fitness to work, increased appetite, burning of excess fat and toned body is given by exercise.

Remember you cannot become happy and enthusiastic with toxic body. Mind and body are interconnected.

I personally prefer Yoga over other exercises because-

We can obtain Physical energy by yogic postures & yogic breathing practices; mental energy by abstention & observations; And Spiritual energy by concentration, fixed attention, meditation and absolute contemplation.

Suryanamaskaras are the best exercise as

They improve muscle tone; improve functions of vital organs like Heart, Lungs, and Liver etc.

They increase the body weight by influencing skeletal muscles but at the same time reduce fat.

So in all, Suryanamaskaras are best for all age groups and to be practiced preferably in the morning at empty stomach. Do consult an expert before stating if you have any health problems

  • Just like we boost our body energy by exercising daily, our mind too needs a boost by good thoughts daily .So it’s time for appreciating what you have. Sit comfortably & Thank God for whatever he has given till now (a good undamaged body, good family, nice place to stay, a nice job, reliable friends etc).
  • End of this small session should be with imagining your day on a positive note. Visualize how you want to spend your TODAY. This needs some practice for sure, but with regular activity you certainly can visualize your day as the best one and keep in mind it will be the way you imagine. Visualization is a very powerful tool. Here you can visualize yourself free from health problems, if you have any.
  • Following these steps requires hardly an hour. I think it’s worth enough to invest to stay happy & healthy.

Stay tuned for next blog…..stay safe and take care.

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