Hello Everyone,

Hope you and your loved ones are safe in this pandemic of Covid-19. I am Dr. Aditi from Karnataka. I am an Ayurvedic practitioner and certified nutritionist based in Dharwad. My expertise are naadiparikshan (pulse diagnosis),various skin diseases and gynecological disorders.These are also happen to be the research areas of my interest. This is my first attempt at blogging,which I am making to honor the requests from many of my patients to share my knowledge and experiences with the society.

Why should you believe/listen to me? Well, I think you need to decide that for yourself. I’m going to share what I have learnt from this ancient medical science and I believe my readers will surely be benefited from this knowledge. So… Let’s begin!!!

The novel corona virus SARS-CoV-2, the causative pathogen of the disease COVID-19, has turned lives of people upside down worldwide. Along with economic and social impacts on the society, it has affected our physical and emotional health. The humanity is being challenged at every step and every point. The healthcare systems are under magnanimous pressure and are in shambles.

Life as we knew before 2020 and the one we have adapted to in 2020 are very different from each other. Especially in India, we have these ancient remedies and lifestyle principles to guide us in these difficult times. The core values of Ayurveda are now attracting the attention of the whole world and the science has become a matter of curiosity.

The oldest system of medicine ‘Ayurveda’ has proven it’s worth once again. We, as human beings, must remember that we are a part of mother nature. The nature never puts forth a problem without its solution. So we have to understand that the solution to this pandemic also lies within the nature. We just need to look out for it keenly. Ayurveda, the ancient and proven medical science of India, can provide us the remedy of this disease ­­—Why?—because Ayurveda relies on mother nature for providing its medicines. No man-made ingredients. The ideology of Ayurvedic medicines is simple. It says that natural diseases are to be treated with natural medicines. Today for, these obvious reasons, a large number of people are trying to understand, absorb and follow the lifestyle based on Ayurvedic principles.

Keeping this in mind, this blog is dedicated to explore the other side of Ayurveda. With different medicines we’re taking good care of our physical health. But what about our mind? The emotional health? I frequently meet many people who have no time to tend their emotional needs. Most of them have only one reason for not doing so. You’ve guessed it right, the reason is the fast paced lifestyle, where everyone is running after their careers, making money, settling down in life and so on. They say, “who has the time to think about that? We have got to catch up, the competition is heavy out there”. BUT… I believe they are completely misguided and have been underrating the importance of the emotional health.

We all know that our body and mind are interconnected. A good balance between mind and body is the key to good health. Ayurveda explains and defines Swastha Purush aka a healthy individual as:

The one whose tridoshas,saptadhatu and malas are balanced, and also has aprasanna i.e. content and peaceful aatma, indriyas and manas.

“Samadosha, samagnischa, samadhatumala kriyaha, Prasanna atmenindriya manaha Swasthya ityabhidheeyate [ S.Soo 15/41]

Here doshas are basic constituents of the body.Agni can be grossly considered as the metabolic activities at different levels in the body whereas Dhatus are the 7 fundamental elements of the body. Mala is considered as excretory part as the result of activity of Agni on Dhatus.

Now a days a lot of attention is being given to stay physically fit, proper diet, exercises etc. Even we regularly check our wellness parameters like B.P., blood sugar etc on a regular basis. This indicates we’re taking enough (though not proper) care of our body.

The scenario today in the society clearly indicates the need of the hour is also to pay attention to the emotions. These days many people are ending their lives because of the imbalance or loss of rhythm between body and mind.

Ayurveda has spirituality merged in it. Counselling is the routine part of an Ayurvedic treatment. Emotions or feelings need to be expressed properly. Stability is very important, but we see that either people burst out or are suppressed deep within. In either case,emotional as well as physical damage is sure.

Since personal and social relationships have been strained nowadays,I think the focus of treatment of any disease or illness should be equally distributed between emotional health and physical health. Proper and detailed account of patient’s history is very essential to know this side of their health. It paves the path that leads a physician to the root cause of the disease or illness.

In Ayurveda various factors, like prakruti (basic body constitution according to predominance of doshas), desh(location),bala(strength) and aahar (food habits), of every single patient are considered for treatment. Hence we can say that Ayurveda offers personalized medicine and treatment since beginning of the time, a concept that is now taking shape in the modern medicine.

Well…That’s all for now. I’m very sure that it is going to be a very interesting and exciting journey of exploration of our rich heritage with you all.Through my blogs I’ll be looking forward to meeting you all. You can also let me know which topics you would like me to explain and elaborate.

Stay tuned for next blog. and feel free to share your opinions, suggestion and health concerns with me at poornayurved@gmail.com

Stay Safe and Stay Healthy

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