Are You Missing These Things in Your Diet?

“All Problems of Life Are Problems of Harmony”

-Shri Aurobindo

Dear Readers,

The above saying of Shri Aurobindo is perfectly applicable in every walk of life, be it harmony between your mind and body or between relationships or harmony between nature & human being…you are going to have problems if it gets disturbed.

Many times inspite of proper medication and good quality diet followed with consistency, we can’t entirely get rid of our complaints. These complaints may vary from simple burping or bloating to uncontrollable diabetes to migraine or joint pain…it can be anything!! With expert advice and medication, our problem may get reduced, for sure, but does not subside completely.

Have you ever given a thought, what could be the reason behind this??

We usually focus on what nutrition is provided by the particular food like meat/nuts provide proteins etc. This is physical nutrition but what about emotional nutrition? Yes, emotional nutrition can be a new concept for many of you. As you read further you will realize that it is nothing but all the ancient science we have left behind.

Let us discuss some important factors about food and emotions:

Ø You should eat only when you are hungry. You lose appetite automatically when your body is not in a condition to digest food properly. As you learn to pay attention to these signs, you prevent further illnesses.

Ø Fix timing for your meals (no matter how busy you are). Regular timings keep the body clock in a healthy condition and avoid digestion troubles.

Ø You should never eat till you are full. There should be some space left in the stomach (sa avakash, which means with some empty space).’Savakash’ also means slowly i.e. not hurriedly. Food must be eaten slowly comfortably and peacefully.

Ø Food and water are the most effective carriers of vibrations, be it good or bad. With this awareness, our ancestors have mentioned in ancient texts four types of doshas (faults) in food.

They are –

Sangraha dosha:

What kinds of sources are used to earn money, which in turn, is used to purchase the food (i.e. if you have done something wrong or unethical to earn money, food purchased by such money is going to carry and convey the same negative and wrong vibrations to you and your family.)

Sanskara dosha:

In what state of mind the food is being cooked and served? They are the sanskaras on food. If the cook is angry, irritated, annoyed or disturbed while cooking he/she will pass on the same emotions to you through that food. You then automatically get angry or irritated for no reason and you simply don’t understand from where it’s coming.

Today most of the families are witnessing or experiencing the same problem of sanskaras. Think for a while and you’ll remember that until recently, in the times of our grandparents or great grandparents no maid and servants were employed for cooking .They had helpers for all other household works, but the meals were cooked only by the lady of the house. Today we earn a lot of money and hire a cook. Imagine what could be her first priority while cooking. It’s going to be earning money or compulsion and perhaps reluctance to work instead of love, care and affection. So can you guess what vibrations are reaching out to you through that food? These kind of improper or negative vibrations are damaging the emotional health of many of the families. If you don’t have cook, make sure the person cooking at home is calm n happy while cooking.

Now you can understand why spiritually awakened people, especially in India, avoid having food or even water anywhere outside. Yes! You guessed it right. They are preserving their positivity and emotional health that help them grow and stay connected with the higher conscious.

Sahapankti dosha:

The company in which you consume your food is also of utmost importance. If you have lunch/breakfast/dinner with people carrying unwanted vibrations like jealousy, anger, anxiety,hurt or hatred you end up baring the load of those vibrations. That is why it is advised to have the meals in a good company or else unaccompanied.

Also, always make sure that never ever to use any gadgets (mobile/laptop/television etc) or even to read books while having the food.

Don’t discuss any family or personal problems on dining table (children’s performance or mistakes of a family member etc.)

Reason–vibrations! Develop a habit of keeping a checkon vibration of your surroundings every time you eat.

Swabhav dosha-

Every food has it’s own set of gunas(properties)like sheeta-ushna(cold-hot), laghu-guru(light-heavy), ruksha-snigdha(dry-oily) etc. You should avoid food items opposite to your body type or the one increasing your diseases, if any.

Do avoid consuming any leftover/packaged and preserved food.

All these four doshas of food should be taken care of and then you will get rid of your health problems and gain emotional stability.

In today’s hectic life we do not pay attention, even though unintentionally, to ethical earning or the ways our meals are being cooked and served or with whom we eat and what we eat. Food itself is not devoid of nutrients many times, especially the homemade Indian food. It’s our mind and vibrations that play key roles in the absorption of the nutrients from the food. We hardly need 7-10 minutes to have a meal, and it is our responsibility to have it with complete attention and positive vibrations around us.

Do not forget to pray before consuming food, which is an easiest way to gain high energy positive vibes.

I believe after reading this blog, you will follow these steps and improve your emotional state.

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