Dear readers,

Society today is facing a tough time dealing with not only covid 19 cases but also other diseases like cancer, diabetes, renal disorders,hypertension or long-standing unhealing skin diseases like psoriasis or heart (cardiovascular)diseases. If observed keenly, you can see the pschychological involvement is at greater extent in all these ailments.

Patients, irrespective of age group, are giving up easily. Here the term GIVE UP doesnot stand for death. It means patients give up the chance to recover completely due to wrong mindset and atmosphere. We usually consult best doctor available and take best medicines, even try alternative medicines/therapies of ayurveda, homeopathy and naturopathy. Then why do we still find a majority of such patients’ health detariorating day by day?

This blog is going to give you some guidelines about how to work on the mindset of such patients. Family of these patients also have to adapt few changes.

1. Accept

First step towards getting better is to accept that you already have the disease. When you accept the reality, mind automatically starts to find a solution to overcome the problem whereas rejection leads to confusion and disturbance, and you may lose the track to recover.

Remember every problem has two final solutions, once in the mind and second in the real world. We are talking about winning the game in the mind.

2. Understand

When the patient accepts what has happened to him or her, half the battle is won. Patient may feel little low or may be helpless for some time(role of family is important here) but eventually patientstarts exploring available treatments and therapies to the cure, with the help of his family and doctors. This shows the patient’s willingness to be cured and this is what exactly needed. It’s responsibility of the family to let the patient meet doctor(in person or online), and make him or her understand what exactly the status of their body or graveness of the disease instead of searching on internet or other unreliable sources.

3. Training

The most important part is to train the minds of the patient and his family. Usually we focus a lot on changing the patient’s mind for positivity but miss out family members. Patient may needlifestyle changes, like particular exercises, or some diet changes. Assuming that all this is being taken care of, I am suugesting few techniques for the patient and his dear ones. Good thing is that these can be practised from a distance also.

Write down affirmations suggesting patient is completely healthy,happy& energetic. Make sure theyare written in present tense as subconscious mind doesnot recognize past & future tenses. Do write only three to four lines. You may add other lines suggesting the desired outcome. Make sure there are no negative words used.

For example- patient should say –

· I am completely healthy, happy and energetic.

· My body is responding very well to the treatment& I am free from all health problems.

· Iam a peaceful and content person.

· I am enjoying every moment of my life.

Same lines can be recited by family for the patient, like my father(mother/sister etc.) is healthy,happy and energetic and so on.

Do write these affirmations on a paper and read loudly 5 times in the morning immediately once you get up and at night before retiring to bed(these are the times when subconscious mind is about to retire and to get activerespectively).Keep the image of this paper as your mobile’s wallpaper and read it everyime you take your mobile. This will pass that message to thesubconsciousmind. Our subconscious mind is always connected to the universe. So with regular practise we attract similar vibrations and may get a breakthrough by meeting right doctor or therapy or any other source. Colletive efforts by all family members bring the result faster. Keep the affirmations simple and same for everyone,no change in a single word. To encourage the patient to do meditation, one or more members of family can meditate with the patient.

4. Avoid

ü Talking about the expenses for treatment in front of the patient. It develops guilt and hampers recovery.

ü Do not show unnecessary sympathy to the patient. It may lower down their confidence.

ü Donot discuss about patient’s health with n number of people. It sends negative vibrations.

ü Donot discuss about the possible complications in presence of the patient. It creates fear.

ü If patient is on too much of diet restrictions,kindly avoid having eatables restricted to him or her, in their presence. It may tempt them to break the diet rules.

These are some of the things we should practise and help our loved ones to cure. Just love them, care for them, give them hope and make them strong.

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