Ramraksha stotra: science to spirituality-2

Dear readers,

In continuation with my last blog about mantras we are going to discuss about Ramraksha stotra, a very famous and well-versed stotra in India. Basically, stotra means stuti (praise/adoration) of that deity whereas, mantra is the one for protection. We find many kinds of stotras in Vedas. What makes Ramraksha unique is the fact that it serves both purposes. It is a stotra and a mantra also.

This stotra contains 38 shlokas. Pronunciation and rhythm of recitation is very important as, in mantra, meaning, resonance or vibration and sound all three are important to get the desired results.

Word ram contains र+ आ+ म. (ra+aa+ma)

रेफोऽग्निरहमेवोक्तो विष्णुः सोमो ‘म’ उच्यतेः।

आवयोर्मध्यगो ब्रम्हा रविराकार उच्यते।।

Ref: Sakandyamal tantra, nirvan khand.

Here Rudra says, in the word(ra) I’m present as the Agni. Word(ma) stands for Vishnu roop Chandra and the letter (aa) represents Bramha roop Surya.

What we have to understand here is one word Ram has Beejaas (seeds) of Agni, Surya and Chandra.

Agni manages digestion and eventual destruction in the universe. (ra=agni)

Sun is the creator of universal activities (aa=surya)

Chandra (moon) manages heat or excessive energy produced (ma=Chandra)

According to Pinda Bramhanda Nyaya, these 3 factors sun, moon and fire have similar effects on our growth, mind and metabolism, respectively.

Repeated chanting of word RAM will balance these activities and help in maintaining a healthy mind and body.

In Ramraksha stotra we find the word Ram more than 70 times (other names of Ram are excluded). When we chant this stotra with an attentive mind, we definitely get our health & mind energized and protected along with other materialistic gains.

Ramraksha provides protection from all kinds of microorganisms and also from all negative energies, which we call otherwise evil powers. This is why this stotra chanting was highly recommended during COVID 19 pandemic’s initial phase. To confirm this statement, let us check this shloka.

पाताल भूतल व्योम चारिण छद्म चारिण:|

न द्रष्टूमपि शक्तास्ते रक्षितम् रामनामभि|| 11/Ramraksha

Here patala=underground, bhootala=on the ground, vyoma=sky/space

Charin= entities that roam in these areas,

Chhadma charin= the ones roaming around invisibly or in a mystical way. As a conclusion, we can say that a person reciting Ramraksha is protected from all kinds of creatures in the triloka.

For protection of specific body parts, Ramrakshahas kavacha (armour). It starts from head (शिरो मे राघव: पातु:) till feet (पादौ अखिलम् वपु:) where we pray lord Ram with his different and specific names to protect our different body parts. For example, when we use the name, Raghava to protect our head, we must understand that the head is the shreshth (the most important) part of the body and so is the king Ram in his whole dynasty. Kara nyasa and ang nyasa are to be used for it (means while reciting the kavacha part, we must put our hands on that particular body part). This again is passing energy to those parts.

Every stotra has its end part as falashruti (benefits of chanting).

In all, Ramraksha reciting-

1. Offers protection from all kind of diseases

2. Protects normal functioning of body and mind

3. Gives all the materialistic and most importantly spiritual success

4. Helps in attaining bliss by nullifying one’s karma

5. Keeps your mind healthy and maintain good relationships

Coming to the scientific part, we all know the human body has a spine, which carries a bundle of nerves through the vertebral column. These nerves spread throughout the body in the form of different nerve plexus. In short, these plexuses connect the brain with other body parts. These plexuses can be correlated with different chakras (energy centers) in the body. Nervous plexuses are the physical form, whereas chakras are psychic forms. Both work on energy. Balanced energy in chakra leads to proper physical and mental functioning. To activate a particular chakra, a specific Beeja-mantra is used. Beeja-mantra of Manipur chakra is “Ram”. This chakra is placed 4 fingers above navel. It covers all the abdominal organs, tissues, muscles, vessels and nerves (brain-gut axis).

Celiac plexus (sympathetic nervous system, which has control over involuntary actions) and vagus nerve (parasympathetic nervous system, which controls digestion, assimilation and immunity. It also passes the condition of organs to the brain) cover the entire abdomen posteriorly and anteriorly. Thus, activating Manipur chakra is essential for having a healthy GI tract & immunity. Manipur chakra is the nexus of body and mind. Results show that not only body parts but subconscious communication between body cells is greatly influenced by Manipur chakra.

Repeated chanting of word ‘Ram’ balances Manipura chakra. Reciting Ramraksha stotra repeatedly, activates Manipur chakra (if it is deficit of energy) and balances the chakra if it has excessive energy.

Similarities between Ramraksha and Manipur chakra:

Signs of balanced Manipur chakra-

1. Confidence

2. Self-acceptance and self-motivation

3. Balanced emotions

4. Inner harmony

5. Strength to face challenges

Signs of unbalanced Manipur chakra-

Low energy level(deficit)-

1. Poor self esteem

2. Weak minded

3. Passive, sluggish

4. Blaming others

5. Poor digestion

6. Lack of enthusiasm

Excess energy level (excessive)-

1. Over aggressive, arrogant

2. Dominating

3. Stubborn

4. Over ambitious

5. Hyperacidity

Now you understand that only activation of chakra is not sufficient, but maintaining it in balanced condition is very important.

Our elders knew this very well, so they merged this activation process through Ramraksha where the letter ‘ma’ will take care of pacifying the excess energy. Reciting Ramraksha with proper rhythm and pronunciation has immense benefits, as today we are facing a majority of lifestyle disorders and psychiatric disorders. It is one solution for multiple problems.

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3 thoughts on “Ramraksha stotra: science to spirituality-2

  1. Very well explained Aditi. Esp about maintaining balance & connecting with the signs t help us gauge ?
    Nikhil Sole

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